Sunday, December 14, 2008

Viva Las Vegas!!! and other fun things...

Well this concludes one awesome week I had.

I started the week off by going to my all time favorite city, Las Vegas. I went for a three day mini vacation, with my friend Lauren. And it was one AWESOME time!!! We stayed at the Venetian, which is now the only hotel I ever want to stay in. This place amazing. The beds are like sleeping on a cloud, and the window treatments are really cool for lazy people. And three tvs, THREE TVS!!!! I thought the one in the bathroom was kinda going over board but I got used to it after a while, and I want one in my house now. Our frist night in Vegas was topped off by seeing PHANTOM. Which I must say gets better and better everytime I see it. The show may be shorter in Vegas but I seem to not miss the cuts. It is just simply Phantom heaven. Again, EVERYONE should see this version. Now I have seen Phantom nine times, hopefully ill see it many, many more times. After the show we got a free Phantom Martini from WOO in the Palazzo, which the bartender in there is really awesome. Hopefully when this damn economy picks up I will finally be leaving the valley of the sun and move to the lights of Las Vegas, I gotta get over this speed bump. The next day in Vegas I tried to see the show again but it was no such luck as company bought out the whole show. We went to BODIES: The Exhbit, which was gross but extremely intresting. That night was followed by some heavy drinking at LAVO. And just so you know the Hooka there is really expensive, but damn good. The next day meant we had to go home, but that was not without buying more Phantom stuff. I had a really intresting talk with the dude in the gift shop and he told that the Venetian isn't hiring, which is fucking lame but when it is, I am so taking the chance and interviewing. So that was the last trip for the year. Who knows where I'll go next year.
And the week was topped by at 21st Birthday party, which was pretty damn fun. I won't go in detail, but the people I work with rock.

Saturday, December 6, 2008

2008- A Year in Review

Well out of a random thought I made a blog. I guess I would finally start my own, afterall it seems like a fun idea. I guess I'll see how long this will last untill I bored with it.

So, what is there to talk about. I guess there is so many things that I don't want to give it all away at once. I may be offensive but you know, I don't care, you can stop reading. I will talk about many things, hopefully. From religion to the things that are simply intresting to me. And of course I will talk about my favorite thing in the whole world, Phantom.

Now, I begin a journey to write about this so called life. So I find that the best place to begin it simply by looking back.


How will I remember this year? Well simply, as the year of the many vacations. I think I actually took the term quite literally, because I went on so many. Some people just stay at home and do nothing o thier vacations, but not me. I had to go somewhere. I had to be doing something. I needed to be exploring the world out there, not just sitting at home. I visited Orlando and Las Vegas twice. And of course Anahiem. Which wouldn't seem like many places, but it was about the places but about the memories (sooo cheesey!).

So here's a look back with some pictures:

This was my first trip to Orlando. Going by yourself is fun, but its always better to go with people.

Quite frankly, seeing Phantom in Las Vegas, is the only reason to go anymore. The so was so damn awesome that I saw it twice.

So this picture is the whole reason why I keep my seasonal status at Disney World. The two little girls are my neices, Bethany and Emily, and of course in the middle is Jasmine. This was their very first time ever in a Disney Park, and I was the one who took them. The reaction on their faces when they saw Sleeping Beauty and Jasmine were simply priceless.

And finally a last trip to Disney World. But this time with people. Which was simply one awesome vacation. With all the people I met while hanging out with Todd, to seeing Amy, Giancarlo and Carolyn. These are the people that remind me of a simpler time. When we were all living in Orlando, working in a pin store, and simply having the time of our lives. Sure, we may never work together again, we may never live in the same state. But there is one place in the world we can come together and reflect on the days we were making piss poor wages, making fun of Dan and simply not working. To being on TV, staying up late nights to make a video at a local IHOP, riding any Disney ride whenever we wanted, these are the times that I'll never forget. There is a saying that I remeber hearing a long time ago, that many people will pass through your life, many will just stay a little, making a little impact, but it is the one who hang around a little longer that you'll never forget. I sometimes find myself looking at this photo while I'm sitting at work. I reflect on those people I met during my college program, and the world simply goes away. I think about the time when I never thought about dating anyone and nothing really bothered me. Times were hard then but they were the most fun I ever had. There are days I feel alone living in Airzona, then I thinking about those two, a text message will come from them and suddenly I don't feel alone anymore. It's the simple things that make the world matter.
So that was my first blog post ever. How thrilling. I got another trip to Las Vegas and so many things to talk about. I think maybe I won't get bored with this, but who knows.